Articles From Baltimore Attorneys
Valentine’s Day Massacre Contest – Winning story
CONGRATULATIONS to CINDY KELLER OUR 2012 VALENTINE'S DAY CONTEST WINNER A huge thank you to our partners Maisy's Restaurant & The Baltimore Florist for making such a great contest possible. Here's her winning entry: I remember Valentine's Day 2010 like it was...
Maryland Attorney – Maryland General Assembly update
Just like keeping up with new case law coming out of Maryland’s Appellate Courts, any Maryland Attorney worth their fee is also going to pay attention to the 4 month long legislative session. Maryland, like many other states, has part-time legislators. Because of...
Maryland Attorney: Win dinner & flowers for Valentine’s Day
Valentine's Day, historically, has been a day for love, a day for loss, and a day for some serious crime. The crime part is of particular importance to any Maryland Attorney who wants to know and understand the history of crime and criminal defense. History was also...